Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Letter: Too many lawyers ruin our democracy

The American justice system is one big joke. The sad part is the joke is on us. We are in Iraq to give it democracy. Did it ever occur to anyone in this country (United States) that Iraqis already have it? As far as I'm concerned they have the best justice system in the world. Their criminals are given swift and proper punishment.

If we had the Iraqi type of justice system in this country, and I was married to a rich woman who I wanted dead so I could have all her wealth and live a great life with my girlfriend, would I think twice about killing her or having her killed? You're damn straight I'd think twice. The sight of my neck in a noose and no army of lawyers to save me would be enough to change my mind. I'd go on a second honeymoon and give the girlfriend a kick in the butt.

Pull the troops out of Iraq - the Iraqis have a working democracy. Let's all find a way to make democracy work in America. We might start by stopping lawyers from running our justice system. More pampered criminals may be great job security for them, but it's less security for the rest of us.

John Tominsky, Las Vegas
