Las Vegas Sun

April 28, 2024

Letter: Administration has weakened our nation

Are American troops dispensable? To a group of America's wealthiest investors, it would seem so. It is this same set who, with their wealth and self-interests, purchased the highest office in the U.S.A.

It is this same group that is promoting the sending of 20,000 and more troops into Iraq, plus an assault on Iran and Syria. Their mouthpiece, our so-called president, must promote their self-interests in the Middle East. I do not believe this is necessary nor prudent.

This president has attempted to frighten Americans with his talk of terrorist attacks in this country. I do not believe him, as he has been neither honest nor forthright in the past four years.

The Middle East has for centuries been a warring, jealous area. They have hated the help the U.S. government has given to Israel. They are not truly nations, except by geographical divisions.

Though Bush is deserving of impeachment, who would want Dick Cheney? If the president is permitted to continue with his plan, Americans will continue to pay in blood, tears and funds. Our position in the Middle East has placed us in the most precarious of positions for years to come. I love this country, and many millions of Americans do also; what a way to think of the next two years!

Madelyn Olds, Las Vegas
