Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

FLASHPOINT for Jan 23, 2007

So now we know who Jim Gibbons was talking about when he said that he would "save you money." By you, he didn't mean us. He didn't really mean you at all. He meant ... banks and businesses. He's cutting the business tax and he's saving the banks money by cutting a branch excise fee, two things for which the bankers and businesses have been lobbying. Businesses and banks supported Gibbons in the campaign, so this is the payback. And don't forget - Mendy Elliott, the new state Business and Industry chief, was until recently a bank executive and banking lobbyist. The more things change in Carson City, the more they stay the same. So how much is Gibbons cutting spending overall? He's increasing it by almost a fifth. Strange way to save us money.
