Las Vegas Sun

May 17, 2024

Letter: Cheney may come to regret privacy policies

I'd like to offer a few comments about Vice President Dick Cheney:

Since he's so obsessed with his own privacy and being accountable to no one, why doesn't he move to an island? That way, all he'd have to worry about is satellite photography and CNN frogmen. And he could then fly to the mainland only when absolutely necessary to perform official functions, such as meeting secretly with oil lords or political spies, or to perhaps give a disinformation speech to a canned audience.

And if he had to stay overnight on the mainland, the safest place would probably be the closet in Sean Hannity's dressing room. His only interruption would come when a fawning Hannity would open the door and offer thanks for all he does.

What was talked about in those secret energy policy meetings he doesn't want us to know? What is he afraid of? Were there discussions of possible oil opportunities opening up in the Middle East, maybe in Iraq? Sorry, Mr. Cheney, but life is what happens when you're busy making plans.

I wonder what Bill O'Reilly's "body language" expert has to say about that permanent snarl on and around Dick Cheney's mouth.

And, finally, I wonder whether it's ever crossed Dick Cheney's mind that what goes around comes around. Someday he'll be a private citizen again, and the privacy protections he's been so zealously undermining the past six years may not be around to protect him when a possibly hostile future Congress or administration quietly uses some of his own snooping methods to finally reveal whatever malfeasance may lie buried in Cheneyworld.

Bob Coffman, Las Vegas
