Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Letter: Obama has charisma to be No. 1 on ticket

Regarding LaRue S. Boenig's March 3 letter, "Gore-Obama would be a dream ticket":

Al Gore's performance at the Oscars was, in my opinion, a very poor one. He is not a good actor. A good president should be a good actor and some charisma is helpful. I appreciate and admire Al Gore's determination regarding our environmental problems and wish him well in those areas. Again, charisma would be helpful there also.

Without any claim at being a historian, I am certain that some of our past "greatest" presidents were those who have had previous "experience." I am also certain that some of our "greatest" past presidents have had no previous "experience." It is a tie. So let's start from "scratch" and use some imagination in making choices. Every 'dream ticket' suggested by Ms. Boenig automatically places Obama in second place for no logical reason - and also is not too particular about who number one is.

Our country and the world are in deep trouble. We need some charisma.

Sam Chinkes, Las Vegas
