Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Rowdy fans flock to boring sports

First of all, the following does not apply to all fans

But two weeks ago we were "treated" to the NBA All-Star Game, where we were abused by many pot-smoking rowdies whose only interest was seeing (when they were able) some very tall guys "dribbling" up and down a court doing slam dunks. This weekend we will be subjected to many beer-chugging NASCAR rowdies, whose only reason for being here is to hope to see (if they are able) flaming car wrecks.

In each case, Las Vegas profits $50 million to $100 million, and our schools are among the lowest rated, and our crime and homeless rate is still burgeoning. What's wrong with this picture?

Next to soccer, basketball and auto racing are perhaps the most boring sports imaginable. All that running back and forth hundreds of times, or endless circling of an oval track hundreds of times is boring, boring, boring. I guess being "on" something helps in the enjoyment. If anything can be said in favor of these sports it's the last 5 minutes, where an unexpected rally will alter the outcome, and the absolute best part is when they are finally over.

Next we will be subjected to a flood of rowdy fans coming to town to bet on "March Madness," where many teams with barely .500 win-loss records magically make it into these so-called "finals."

Irv Atkins, Henderson
