Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Letter: Suggestions to boost military personnel

Since there is such a massive shortage of American troops, we should implement a way to relieve them without bringing back the draft.

Throughout the United States our neighborhoods and businesses are being terrorized by gang members running amok across our country. Since these gang members already have weapons and know how to use them, why not round them up and ship them to Iraq? We wouldn't even have to supply them with weapons, since they have their own.

These gang members kill innocent people in America for no reason. They think they are tough guys, so let's accommodate them and send them to a place where they can do some good for a change and fight a real enemy.

Maybe by the time they return home, they will realize how precious life is and no longer continue in their gang activities. Meanwhile, communities throughout the United States will be safer. People won't be killed in drive-by shootings. Hopefully the gangs will be dismantled, especially if the members return reformed. It's a win-win situation.

The same holds true for all illegal immigrants (not only those from Mexico) who are 18 years of age and older. Instead of having a revolving door returning them to their country of origin, why not offer them U.S. citizenship after they serve in our military? Living in America comes with a price. A price that American citizens have paid throughout the years with their blood shed in wars to protect America. Let us give our volunteer troops and National Guard some help and at the same time alleviate some problems here at home.

Trudy Carlson, Henderson
