Las Vegas Sun

May 7, 2024

Letter: Lack of respect for teachers shows in pay

When I first read the Sunday article "Teachers may skip lawmakers in their quest for gaming cash," my thoughts were how appalling the state of education has become in Nevada. The state legislators have created a "Catch-22" situation in that they say education cannot have more money unless the system improves, but the system cannot be improved on without additional financial resources.

How pathetic and shortsighted of these people who control the financial resources of education. The problems of the educational system can be easily resolved with a small amount of taxes levied on the vast resources of the gaming industry, but this resource is left largely untapped.

If I were a new teacher in Nevada, I would be looking elsewhere or at another occupation/career. Teaching in Nevada is a waste of talent. If teachers cannot strike, cannot pressure the profession into an elevated status in terms of its financial importance, then the situation will continue to deteriorate and is not worth the sacrifices of the talented teachers needed.

This article truly shows teachers, once again, how insignificant they are viewed in the eyes of Nevadans.

Jim Hayes, Las Vegas

The writer is a teacher in the Clark County School District.
