Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Archive for May 20, 2007

Now that's a recess
If there's two things that Cox Communications School Day at Cashman Field recalls, the first is how splendidly brilliant the emerald green - with the exception of the yellow patch in front of the pitcher's ...
6:58 a.m.
FLASHPOINT for May 20, 2007
I had an interesting conversation with a Republican legisla- tor during a capital sojourn last week. This lawmaker told me about the unfairness in Carson City and how a minority, such as the Republicans in ...
6:57 a.m.
Jon Ralston follows the finger-pointing as legislators scramble to undo the mess they've created with 'green' building tax breaks
As the great scramble for money begins in the Legislature's final fortnight, lawmakers are grappling with the potential loss of $1.4 billion in green over the next decade and a half because of their unanimous ...
6:57 a.m.
Editorial: Gibbons' needless meddling
But the governor will be hypocritical - to say the least - if he continues to pursue a request for $1.7 million in homeland security funds to establish in Carson City an anti-terrorism intelligence sharing ...
6:57 a.m.
Editorial: Consumer safety for sale
And while the Senate debates whether lobbyist Michael E. Baroody should be enforcing laws against his former clients at the National Association of Manufacturers, the association has promised to give Baroody a $150,000 departing bonus ...
6:57 a.m.
Letter: Wonder who cares about the soldiers' lives
This also makes me ponder about the incompetence, greed and special interests of the Bush administration in the failed prosecution of the war and how the resulting monies lost could have been used to meet ...
6:57 a.m.
Letter: Prescription drug plan is working well
First, the Medicare prescription drug program continues to provide large cost savings to tens of millions of seniors and disabled Americans. Unfortunately, the House Government Reform Committee's report cited in the editorial focuses on just ...
6:56 a.m.
Letter: How long will we be fooled by Bush's lies?
The records clearly show that, four years after our "macho" president claimed "Mission Accomplished," this war is a disaster. Yet in 2003 he said we were making steadfast progress, great progress. In 2004 he said ...
6:56 a.m.
Editorial: A state of denial
Nonetheless, after Gibbons presented his inane and possibly illegal plan, state Sen. Bob Beers sent out an e-mail in support of the proposal. In it the Las Vegas Republican boldly stated:
6:56 a.m.
CARSON CITY - A governor in trouble, a tax break gone awry, a downturn in the housing sector - add it all up, and it will certainly make for good theater during the Legislature's final ...
6:55 a.m.
WASHINGTON - Talk about a cram session. In the next few days Congress will try to:
6:55 a.m.
Corruption tips flow in, Metro steps up
Metro Police have quietly taken on a series of public corruption cases in the past 18 months, devoting unprecedented resources to rooting out malfeasance in Southern Nevada.
6:55 a.m.
Jeff Simpson on why Steve Wynn is happy to have a new neighbor on the Strip
Wynn had a few reasons for feeling good about Ruffin's $1.2 billion sale of the New Frontier and its 35-acre site to Israeli real estate baron Yitzhak Tshuva.
6:55 a.m.
As if skydiving once were not enough, 88-year-old Kay Garske, can't get enough. "I just love it up there, it's so beautiful. It's hard to even explain," she said while waiting to jump at ...
6:55 a.m.
Brian Greenspun shares thoughts about how civility shapes our future
Admittedly, Washington is part of a much broader community and Brookings, as the nation's oldest and most respected think tank, has never been associated with Las Vegas, although its significance to and involvement with our ...
6:55 a.m.
Tax break pulled 'out of the air' could cost state $900 million
CARSON CITY - Not as though it happens every day, but sometimes listening to National Public Radio can cost your state $1 billion.
6:54 a.m.
Trust me
By the time the FBI was investigating Kevin Mitnick in late 1992, he had been in and out of trouble with the law for more than a decade. In the late '80s, he spent eight ...
6:54 a.m.

18 stories