September 20, 2024

Letter: Greed drives casinos' stance on schools tax

As a person who spent 36 years in public education, I am appalled by the lack of commitment of the casinos to funding our education system.

I am cynical enough to believe that the powers that be are really not interested in a well-educated community. It gives them a pool of potential workers who are content to work for low wages and tips. The excuse they use about "reinvestment" is not really valid since they are opening casinos in Asia as well as other states in the United States. The money spent by locals is being siphoned off to other localities.

The greed exhibited by the corporate entities that run these casinos is typical of the mentality that permeates our society. The bottom line is all that matters. There may be small examples of where the casinos dole out a few dollars with high-profile publicity.

Responsible public officials should seriously consider increasing taxes on casinos to improve the quality of the state's schools. Unfortunately, they are heavily subsidized by their political contributions. No one can win any election without heavy funding from the casinos. Public funding of elections would help elect unbiased legislators.

The profits made by the casinos are very much controlled by the machines and the odds in their favor in table games. Unlike in the earlier days of casino largesse to the player, giving reasonably priced food and entertainment, today every aspect of the casino operation must show a profit. It's about time the casinos begin paying their fair share of this community's expenses.

Edward Foster, Las Vegas
