Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024

Letter: We’re not the only victims of terrorism

A few days ago Vice President Dick Cheney spoke about the "threat" to the world that Iran has become with its intentions against the "world community."

His rhetoric echoed in my heart, as I felt it applied to what the world must think of America, which is imposing its will on everyone else. How oblivious Americans are to the world community. When Lynne Cheney was interviewed recently by Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show," Stewart asked about attacks by al-Qaida since the Iraq war. She proudly said we haven't been attacked in the more than six years since 9/11. When Stewart reminded her of terrorist attacks in Spain, England and Iraq, her reply was, "But we were talking about American interests."

Americans need to see beyond our unprotected borders. We also need to be introspective about our government, when it is sick and not performing well. For instance, maintaining checks and balances among the branches of government, as our representatives have "sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America," is a duty that Republicans in our Congress have neglected. So someone must keep our government in check, and sadly that becomes outside forces.

When President Bush took over the Oval Office, he had it "cleansed" - now it needs to be rebuilt on the Bill of Rights. America needs all the help it can get.

Sandra Miner, Las Vegas
