Las Vegas Sun

May 7, 2024

Letter: Senate wasting time with MoveOn resolution

I think it's safe to assume that the vast majority of voters in this country would admit that President Bush and the U.S. Congress are confronted with many serious issues that have to be addressed. That's what makes this past week's nonbinding resolution in the U.S. Senate condemning the ad, which attacked Gen. David Petraeus, so outrageous, stupid and silly.

I don't recall the U.S. Senate passing nonbinding resolutions condemning the lying ads that Swift Boated Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry and his record in Vietnam. (John McCain did, however, condemn the ads.)

I don't recall the U.S. Senate passing nonbinding resolutions against the group that attacked Sen. Max Cleland as a terrorist sympathizer. George Bush didn't calls those ads "disgusting" like he did the MoveOn ad.

How much longer can this president and this Senate avoid addressing the important issues of the day? How much longer are we the voters going to be repulsed with this ridiculous political theater?

Can they (the president and the Senate) set the bar any lower? Nero must be fiddling and laughing hysterically.

Terry Cox, Henderson
