September 16, 2024

Boulder City Council briefs

Grant will no longer go through city

The city will no longer be a conduit for an annual Clark County grant to Red Mountain Music Company.

City Attorney Dave Olsen recommended the city no longer accept the funds for the nonprofit theater group, after Councilwoman Linda Strickland last month questioned the city's role in the transaction.

The County Commission will now give the grant directly to the group.

Claims paid list gets more detailed

The city's claims paid lists presented to the City Council for approval are more detailed this month, showing fewer items categorized "small purchase." Most purchases describe exactly what was bought, for how much and for which department.

At the Sept. 9 meeting, Councilman Travis Chandler asked that the expense reports be more specific after noting several big ticket costs totaling $1.5 million were described as small purchases.

City Manager Vicki Mayes said the problem was both technical with the software and due to entry errors.