September 16, 2024

Dream zone

When I was five, I had a nightmare in which I was being chased by two cartoon-like pink robots across a large, open field. I ran as though through molasses, trying to get up enough speed to leap over a long, narrow ditch to safety on the other side. –Martin, 45, Victoria, B.C.

Lauri: You must’ve had a couple of siblings that enjoyed teasing and tormenting you! Whatever the case, it seems that there was someone in your life that seemed cold and uncaring—like a robot—someone most likely of the fairer sex due to the color pink. You didn’t like being around this person or persons, because, in your dream, you are trying to escape them. However, your inner mind was aware that you may very well be “stuck” with them for a while due to the molasses element in your dream. The good news is that the robots were cartoons, which means, even though this person or persons were bothersome to you, you knew they weren’t a serious threat ... just really annoying!

Martin replies: I think you are right about the robots being sibling tormentors. I suspect they might have represented my two older brothers, who were sadistic and unfeeling. I didn’t trust them with anything intimate or secret. Whenever I shared my goals or ambitions with them, they were quick to scorn me for believing in myself. These fears troubled me for decades. I’m delighted that I understand this now.