September 16, 2024

From the Press Box:

Golfers honor fallen teammate

Bethany Smith was a great teammate who lived a full life.

That was the overwhelming sentiment from her friends at Boulder City High in remembering Smith, a member of the girls golf team who died two weeks ago.

Smith collapsed and passed away on Sept. 20 because of a heart problem, the family said.

She's had a heart murmur since she was a child. It developed into Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a condition that disrupts the timing of the electric signals that cause the heart to beat.

Smith left an impact on those around her because of her involvement in the school's athletic programs.

She was a member of the girls golf and swimming teams. She also participated in figure skating and gymnastics outside of school.

Senior Margot Potter and Smith were teammates the last four years on the golf team.

"We weren't just teammates. We are friends," Potter said. "This is tough for all of us. It's brought us closer as a team."

Senior Ashley Vince said she's known Smith for several years and was saddened when she got the phone call from teammate Bridget Ward about Smith's death.

"I think we go out and try to win for her," Vince said.

Coach Regina Quintero said she met with the team shortly after Smith's death to see how she could help.

"This is the first time they've really had to deal with something like this, and they are handling it pretty well," Quintero said.

The Eagles played on Sept. 25 in their first match after Smith's death and finished in second place in the 3A Southern League meet.

Smith also had a number of friends on the girls soccer team, and coach Ryan Teepen said after hearing about her death, the team decided to dedicate the rest of the season in her memory.

It can't be easy for these high schoolers to cope with Smith's tragic death. For many of them, this may be their first experience with death.

Playing well in her memory would be the most fitting tribute Smith's friends and teammates could give. I'd hope the school would find a way to remember her, as well.

These types of gestures by Smith's friends, teammates and peers will show her parents and family the positive impact she had, which is something they can be proud of.

Brent Hinckley can be reached at 948-2074 or [email protected].