September 16, 2024

Senior News:

Key to dealing with change is seeing it as a learning opportunity

Only one thing is for certain, and that is change — and not the kind you put in your pocket either. (With the economy there is not much of that.)

I'm talking about changes in our lives. Nothing remains constant. Things change! Our bodies are constantly changing and trying to renew. People in our lives come and go. Employees move or leave a job for various reasons.

Children may move to another state or maybe we move away from our children. Jobs change, or our job descriptions change.

Our finances may change, and perhaps yours have changed with the stock market.

An illness brings on changes to our independence. Maybe the loss of a loved one changes your life completely. An accident can change how you live your life or even manage in your own home. Change is inevitable.

How do you handle change? We all like the status quo. No one wants the applecart to be upset. Sometimes the way we handle change is the way we were taught to handle it. Our parents can have a big influence on how we handle new things.

I try to look at change as an opportunity for me to learn something new. Learning how I cope with change helps me to see areas I need to work on. Am I flexible? Do I only want my own way? Am I being selfish? Can I roll with the punches of life?

Am I able to make friends with new people? Can I put myself in other people's shoes? Do I need to stop being critical of others? Can I embrace change?

There have been many changes at the Senior Center lately, and as I said, change is inevitable.

How will you cope with change? Will you let it make a better person of you or will you dig your feet in and resist? One can make your life easier. The other can be detrimental to your health. You can decide.

Oh, by the way, beginning in October we will be having the menu as listed on the monthly calendar. Thank goodness, one change we won't have to deal with!

Grant registration

Registration for grants began Oct. 1. Your cooperation is appreciated while we go through this annual process to fulfill our grant requirements.

Flu shots

Flu vaccinations will be given from 9 a.m.-noon Oct. 7, sponsored by the Boulder City Hospital.

This week at the Senior Center


8 a.m. —Wood carvers

1 p.m. — Canasta and pinochle

1 p.m. — Chatty Hatters

6:30 p.m. — Weight Watchers


9:15 a.m. — T'ai chi

8 a.m.-noon — Farmers market

8:30 a.m. — Book cleaners

12 p.m. — Duplicate bridge

1 p.m. — 500 cards

1 p.m. — Pinochle


9 a.m. —Weight Watchers


10 a.m. — United Methodist Church of Boulder City


11:30 a.m. — Mah jongg

1 p.m. — Wood carving

1 p.m. — Party bridge


9 a.m. — Congressman Jon Porter's representative

9 a.m.-noon — Flu shots

10 a.m. — Coin collecting

12:45 p.m. — Poker

1 p.m. — Pinochle

6:30 p.m. — Weight Watchers


9 a.m. — Blood pressure

9 a.m. — Weight Watchers

9:15 a.m. — T'ai chi

12:30 p.m. — Open music jam

12:45 p.m. — Bingo

6 p.m. — Duplicate bridge

Lunch Menu

Thursday — Baked pork chops, roasted potatoes, carrots, Caesar salad with fruit

Friday — Salmon, seafood salad, vegetable, cornbread

Monday — Beef tips with gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad bar with fruit

Tuesday — Cubed steak, macaroni and cheese with bacon bits, vegetable, salad bar with fruit

Wednesday — Teriyaki meatballs over white rice pilaf, salad bar with fruit