September 16, 2024


Peggy plots your planets

Read this week's horoscopes from Astrologer Peggy Allison

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her email.

ARIES (March 20-April 19)

If you forgot to write down your wish and set your goal for the month, do it this week. Mercury remains retrograde. Friends you have not heard from in a while may ring your phone. Be careful what you wish for. When Mercury moves direct on October 15, you may not want the wish. Hold off on major purchases. You may find a better deal. Hang out with your Libra friends, who are celebrating their birthday month. Now you may find yourself with a little extra pressure. I know you are busier. Less time for play. Okay, so co-workers are a little friendlier. Go on, be a team player. Favors you do may require payment.

TAURUS (April 19-May 20)

Ramadan ends today. On Saturday, Mars joins sweet Venus in Scorpio. Your Libra friends continue a month of birthdays. If you forgot to write down your wish—I know, Mercury retrograde—and set your monthly goal, do it this week. This month could bring a turning point for a project you began during your birthday month. Mercury retrograde gives you the opportunity to look back at what you have accomplished in the last three months and correct mistakes. While Mars is in Scorpio, hold on to your hat. Mars may aid in a little jealousy and maybe a mild conflict while he visits Scorpio, the jealous one. Facts are facts.

GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

People may find you charming. You may find your relationship with co-workers a little friendlier. I know you have some extra pressure. You may have to give a little extra help to a few colleagues in the work force. And as the week moves forward you may find that favors done require a little payment. You are a team player. Take time out for a little fun, love and luck this week. Mercury retrograde is not the time to start new projects. Buy lotto tickets, but only a few. Remember, it takes only one to win. Mars joins Venus. You have energy to devote to your daily work.

CANCER (June 20-July 22)

Only you and water sign Pisces are sensitive and sentimental. Mercury is retrograde until October 15. This is miscommunication time. Expect people to show up a little late. Do not take this personally. Now Mercury is retrograde in the domestic department of your chart. Life will perk along this month, and you may find it easygoing. Stick with this. Work out any favors you may have promised. Mars moves to Scorpio. It is time to bring a little fun, love and luck. Join your Libra friends for a birthday celebration. Venus and Mars are hanging out together.

LEO (July 22-Aug. 22)

Mars moves to the home section of your chart. The red planet joins up with Venus. This brings action to the home front. Entertain your friends and family members. You are the party sign of the zodiac. Spend time with your Libra friends as they celebrate their birthdays this month. Expect a few delays. Guests may show up a little late. Remember to date and sign your checks. Ramadan ends today. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the next month if you forgot to do this last week. If you remember, this is a good week to work on your goals and share your wishes with others.  

VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

We know some of you little Virgos would rather make money than spend money. Mercury retrograde is not a good time to make major purchases. This could be the week to chat with your partner. The two of you can make plans to decorate once Mercury goes direct October 15. Make sure that both of you are on the same page. Single Virgos, be careful to stay within your budgets. Even though Mercury is retrograde, you have reason to cheer. This could be an easygoing month. Watch out for the Neptune fog. Step into reality. Let your practical thinking prevail. The sun is in your earned-income department. Could mean a bonus.

LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Happy birthday. Mars joins up with Venus in your sign. This could bring you a windfall of some sort, maybe a bonus or a pay increase. Venus and Mars take up residence in your earned-income department. Mercury retrograde may bring confusion, mix-ups and misunderstandings. Double-check all the details. Do not put too much trust in others. Promises made during Mercury retrograde may not be promises kept. Look back on what you have accomplished over the past three months. Take a little time off and celebrate your birthday with your friends. Write down your goals and wishes for the next year. Watch your spending while Mercury is retrograde.

SCORPIO (Oct. 22-Nov. 21)

Rely a lot on your intuition. While Mercury is retrograde, sometimes you can expect delays. Miscommunication time. I know you have the desire to push ahead, but if you do, you may find it is re-do time. New projects initiated while Mercury is retrograde may have to be redone. You may find this difficult and bothersome. Mars joins Venus in your sign. Now write down your wishes and set your goals for the month. Next week on October 15, Mercury goes forward again. Spend this week getting ready to launch your new projects next week. And button your lip. Keep your secrets to yourself, my friend.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

So you may feel your social life is on hold. I know you have been too busy to socialize. Now your friends may also be too busy. Mercury turns direct next week. Mars joins Venus. Work behind the scenes. Dream a dream for your future. Someone from your past may attempt to reconnect. This may take you by surprise. Trusted contacts come in handy this week. The work schedule gives way, so you can get out and socialize. Meet the folks who can bring opportunity your way. Discuss your ideas. Tell someone about your hopes, wishes and goals. Your circle widens. 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Mars enters Scorpio and joins up with Venus. This encourages your social life. Enjoy those delightful evenings with other folks. Enjoy weekends with family and friends. Socialize with colleagues. This could be an easygoing month for you. I know you have a tendency to outdistance everyone. Just remember that you can sometimes take on too much. Don’t undermine what you desire to achieve. Enjoy your time with others. Talk about your ideas, hopes and wishes. This month could be another terrific career month. It certainly has the potential.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

The big news this week is all about Mars. The red planet joins Venus. Your career department takes center stage with Mars visiting. Mars is action and energy. You no longer have to deal with any sort of budget crunch. With Lady Luck at your side, you might even earn a salary increase or a bonus of some sort. Even though you are the water-bearer of mythology, you are an air sign—not a water sign. Now with Mars in this position for the next six weeks or so, you may feel the pace is a little hectic. Remember, this is your career month. You could land a better position or a new job. If this is what your weekend goal happens to be, go with the flow.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Continue to use caution with money. Mercury remains retrograde until October 15. Travel and higher knowledge take center stage this week. Mars, the planet of action and energy, joins Venus in Scorpio. Check your credit report for errors once Mercury goes direct. Venus remains in the travel section until October 17. All the other little fish will be supportive and helpful. You may feel like putting some sort of education on your agenda. Perhaps you want to study to help your career or maybe because of a personal ambition. Two ways to learn are through books and travel. Venus brings the opportunity for travel.