Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Boulder City residents turn out to vote early

Updated Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008 | 12:15 p.m.

Early voting turnout in Clark County has vastly exceeded the pace of the 2004 presidential election, Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said.

During the first 10 days, 242,000 people voted in Clark County, compared with 159,000 in 2004.

In Boulder City, 3,215 voters turned out Monday and Tuesday at Boulder City Hall to vote early. In 2004, 1,800 voters cast their ballots early at City Hall.

Karen Pinkerton ran up City Hall’s steps at 5:55 p.m. yesterday, five minutes before early voting closed. She had given herself half an hour to drive from her job as a flight attendant at McCarran International Airport to City Hall and was the last of the day to cast her ballot.

She said the presidential race between Democrat Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain brought her to the polls early.

Michelle Zuro-Kramer, a National Park Service employee, rode a mountain bike to City Hall to cast her ballot for the same reason. She said she wanted to be sure to vote and wasn’t sure if she would get off work on time on Nov. 4.

Boulder City resident Lori McHugh said the Obama-McCain race had her enthused as well.

“I couldn’t wait to cast my presidential vote,” she said.

Lomax projected that roughly 350,000 voters would cast their ballots early or by mail this year — half the total he thinks will vote.

“In our elections, typically half the people vote early,” he said. “This year it may be a little higher.”

Staffing polling places, he said, has remained a challenge, but he added that there have been no unreasonable lines.

“We’re working hard to get them through,” he said.

Another trend evidenced in early voting is the turnout of registered Democrats dominating Republicans — 131,622 to 70,425 through Monday.

In Boulder City the numbers of Democrats and Republicans voting early were roughly even, despite a large edge for Republicans in registration. As of Monday, 1,019 Democrats and 1,108 Republicans had voted. Active Republicans number 4,867, compared with 3,395 Democrats.

In competitive area races, 70,583 Democrats and 43,627 Republicans had turned out in the 3rd Congressional District, where Republican U.S. Rep. Jon Porter is locked in a tight battle for re-election against Democrat State Sen. Dina Titus.

The early voter turnout for other key area races:

-- Clark County Commission District A, where Democrat Steve Sisolak faces Republican Brian Scroggins: 26,453 Democrats and 19,673 Republicans. Registration in the district runs nearly even.

-- State Assembly District 20, where incumbent Republican Joe Hardy faces Democrat Dan Briggs and Independent American Richard Wayne O’Dell: 2,029 Republicans, 2,017 Democrats and 836 nonpartisans.

Home News reporter Cassie Tomlin contributed to this report.

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