September 20, 2024


Peggy plots your planets

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her email.

ARIES (March 20-April 20)

Happy Easter to the Orthodox this week. Sweet Venus moves direct Friday. As Mercury visits Taurus, you feel more grounded with your thoughts. Happy birthday. On Wednesday, your ruling planet, Mars, enters your sign. Now you will have the energy to take action to follow through with your ideas. Put our plans into action. Wednesday also is Earth Day. Plant some seeds. Venus, the planet of love and money, will allow you to focus on your friends this week. You may be able to maximize the income you already have. Venus and Mars favor love.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Your Aries neighbors finish up a month of birthday celebrations this week. Start celebrating your birthdays on Sunday. Happy birthday. The Orthodox celebrate their Easter. This is a good time to put your plans into action. Write down your wishes for the next year and set a goal. Wednesday is Earth Day, a special time for all you earth signs—Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Take care of Mother Earth. Plant the seeds for success. Mercury in your sign provides the gift of gab. Mars brings plenty of action. Do not forget to set some time aside to relax and unwind. The red planet holds hands with Venus on Tuesday. Love flows smoothly.

GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

Heads up on Wednesday. Mercury, the messenger of the gods, your ruling planet, squares off with Jupiter. Keep your words soft and tender. Keep your thoughts to yourself. The sun moves to Taurus on Sunday. The Orthodox celebrate Easter. Wednesday is Earth Day. Plant the seeds for success. Mars moves into Aries. Now you feel the energy, little twin. Your social life picks up a step or two. Romance flows smoothly on Tuesday when Venus holds hands with Mars. On Monday, take time for yourself. Good time to visit the spa. You have the gift of gab over the weekend with the moon in your sign.

CANCER (June 20-July 22)

You have been focusing and putting all your energy into career matters. Wave at your Taurus friends on Sunday. They start celebrating their birthdays. The Orthodox observe Easter. You are more sure of yourself in the friend department. Thank them as the sun visits Taurus. You will feel more grounded and down-to-earth. Wednesday is Earth Day. Venus moves forward on Friday. On Tuesday, Venus holds hands with Mars. Feel the love. This could provide creativity and fun in the workplace. On Wednesday evening, play it cool. Keep your words soft and tender as Mercury squares off with Jupiter.

LEO (July 22-Aug. 22)

You lions have the opportunity to turn your career dreams into reality. The sun moves to Taurus on Sunday. It’s the Orthodox Easter this week. The sun brings a glow to your career department. People in authority take notice. This brings plenty of work your way. Wednesday is Earth Day. Take care of Mother Earth. Plant the seeds for success. On Wednesday, hold on to your hat. Mars moves to Aries, the sign the red planet rules. Share your higher knowledge. Make travel plans. Venus gets cozy with Mars on Tuesday. Love is in the air. Your relationships flow smoothly.

VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

Earth sign Taurus takes center stage on Sunday, which is also the Orthodox Easter. Venus moves forward on Friday. You may find it easier to put your plans in the career department. As the sun visits Taurus, it may be time to travel. Taurus brings opportunity your way. All you earth signs—Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn—can get grounded on Wednesday. It’s Earth Day. Mars and Venus hold hands on Tuesday. This could bring the balance for work and home. Feel the love in the air.

LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Venus, your ruling planet, moves forward on Friday. Your Taurus pals begin a month of birthdays on Sunday. Sunday also is Orthodox Easter, and Wednesday is Earth Day. Do your share for Mother Earth. You may decide to plant a seed or two. Notice what develops. No need to try for the balance between work and romance. Venus and Mars will take care of your love life Tuesday. Yes indeed, when Venus and Mars get together, love is in the air. Could heat up an old romance or kick off a new one. Venus and Mars also could launch a party. You don’t have to detail everything, but you could make a list of what you want in a relationship.

SCORPIO (Oct. 22-Nov. 21)

Mercury, the messenger, brings the practical information you need. The sun moves to Taurus. Now maybe you will feel more down-to-earth. On Friday, Venus, the planet of love and money, moves forward. No more delays. Sunday is the Orthodox Easter. Happy birthday, Taurus, as the sun moves into your sign. The sun in Taurus warms up your relationship department, both personal and business. As Venus ends her retrograde session, your attention turns to the here and now. You can find a comfortable way to share your life. Venus and Mars get together in Pisces on Tuesday. Let your dreams become reality.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Passover ends today. Venus moves forward Friday. Sunday is Orthodox Easter. Also on Sunday, the sun moves into Taurus. That puts the sun in your daily work department for the next month. On Tuesday, it’s sugar and spice and everything nice. Mars and Venus will bring love to the home front. Join a Taurus’ birthday party. Take a little time off for yourself. Get rested. You have responsibility in the workforce for the next two weeks. Remember, you can work hard, but you need to find a balance between work and play. Venus allows the playful side to come through. On Wednesday, play hush-hush when Mercury squares off with Jupiter, your ruling planet.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Venus moves direct on Friday. This brings a glow to your communication department. Earlier you may have had a little difficulty relating to others. On Sunday, the sun moves into Taurus, like you an earth sign. This is your month to share your higher knowledge. The Orthodox Easter comes up Sunday. This is your week to collect  the information, data or whatever you need. Tuesday is the day to ask for what you want. Venus holds hands with Mars, the planet of action and energy, in your communication department. Wednesday is Earth Day. Plant the seeds for success.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

Venus ends her retrograde motion on Friday. You may notice your earned-income department taking center stage. It is time to sweeten the earned-income pot. Sunday is the Orthodox Easter. Also on Sunday, the sun moves to Taurus. You may want to spend some time around your own barnyard. The sun will be occupying your family and home department. Relax and recharge. Wednesday is Earth Day. Do something nice for Mother Earth. Plant a seed or two as you putter around the garden. You may discover you feel a little more grounded. Venus hooks up with Mars on Tuesday. Could be talking about real estate.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Venus and Mars are in your sign. Venus moves forward on Friday and on Tuesday holds Mars’ hand. The romance department takes center stage, my friend. Get that spring makeover. Orthodox Easter is observed on Sunday. Taurus embarks on a month of birthdays as the sun lights up your communication department. Your personality shines through. Take a few laps around the pond. Wednesday is Earth Day. Take some time out for Mother Earth. Plant a seed. You will feel a little more grounded in the communication department. Purchase that new wardrobe. Just keep it practical. Play it cool Wednesday.