Las Vegas Sun

June 2, 2024

Everybody Is Stupid Except for Me and Other Astute Observations

Everybody Is Stupid Except for Me

The Details

Everybody Is Stupid Except for Me
Three and a half stars
Peter Bagge
Fantagraphics Books, $17.
Amazon: Everybody Is Stupid Except for Me

Sometimes the single panel of a political cartoon just isn’t a big enough space for a cartoonist to work with, especially if said cartoonist is interested in providing a detailed, nuanced discussion or honest-to-God reporting on a topic. That’s the sort of political cartooning Peter Bagge has been engaging in for Reason magazine, and a decade’s worth of examples are now available in trade-paperback collection Everybody Is Stupid Except for Me from Fantagraphics, the publishers of Bagge’s comic book Hate. Bagge’s pieces are all multi-page comic strips, often involving Bagge himself attending an event, interviewing participants and then writing about it in first-person narration, his cartoon avatar always at least a peripheral character. The results fall somewhere between an editorial, an essay and a feature article, communicated through Bagge’s familiar big-headed, bendy-armed, super-expressive style. Bagge is libertarian (as is Reason), and it shows, but one need not agree with his politics to enjoy his work here, perhaps because as a political cartoonist, Bagge’s a cartoonist first and political second.

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