Las Vegas Sun

June 14, 2024


Harry Reid won’t be in New Orleans for fundraiser

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will not be hitting the Big Easy for a planned fundraiser Friday hosted by the Louisiana senator who secured a $100 million Medicaid boost for her state in the proposed Senate health reform bill.

The Senate is scheduled to remain in session again this weekend as senators vote on a package of annual spending bills while awaiting a cost assessment on the latest health care proposals.

A Reid spokesman confirmed the senator would not be attending the New Orleans fundraiser, which was to be co-hosted by Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu. The Hill newspaper reported this afternoon that the event has been canceled.

Reid had tried to give senators (and staff) the weekend off as they await the health bill’s cost analysis, suggesting they could wrap up votes on the spending bills today. But Republicans criticized the move, saying the weekend should be spent discussing the health care bill.

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