Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Alleged unsafe abortion prompts warning from state

Clinica de Mujeres

CARSON CITY – In the fourth case in a month, the state Health Division has ordered a Las Vegas clinic to stop performing surgeries without a license.

The division alleges that an abortion was performed in an unsafe manner at Clinica de Mujeres, 3700 E. Charleston Blvd.

Inspectors said they found medical equipment, medications and literature consistent with the complaint that an abortion had been performed there. There were breaches in sterile packaging and no manual or policy for a sterilization machine.

The division said the Clinica de Mujeres may be licensed by the city but it also needs a state license.

Dr. Vickie Mazzorana, owner of the clinic, could not be reached for comment.

Richard Whitely, administrator of the division, said in each of the four recent cases the unlicensed surgeries had “prominent infection control problems.” Each was ordered to stop performing surgeries and the division turned the cases over to the state Attorney General’s Office for further action.

In the case of Clinica de Mujeres, health inspectors also believe the clinic was dispensing prescription drugs without a license. It is forwarding the information to the state Board of Pharmacy. And it will send information to the state Board of Medical Examiners for a review of the license of Dr. Mazzorana.

Earlier this month a cease-and-desist letter was issued to the Skin + Body Institute, accused of performing unlicensed surgery, including at a breast implant procedure.

The division also accused Botanica Maya and Botanica San Francisco of allowing illegal surgeries.

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