Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Regents approve new chancellor for higher education

Dan Klaich


Dan Klaich, right, vice chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education, speaks with Chancellor Jim Rogers at a 2006 meeting.

Updated Thursday, June 18, 2009 | 3:16 p.m.


  • Name: Daniel J. Klaich
  • Title: Executive vice chancellor and chief operating officer of the Nevada System of Higher Education
  • Background: Native Nevadan is a lawyer who was in private practice for almost 30 years. Served on the state Board of Regents from 1983 to 1997, including two terms as chairman.
  • Education: 1972 graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno, with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. He received his law degree from the University of Washington School of Law in 1975, and a master’s in taxation from New York University in 1978.
  • Personal: Wife, Denise, is a 1973 graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno. They have four children and six grandchildren.

Sun Archives

The Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education voted unanimously today to approve Daniel J. Klaich as the new chancellor of the system, effective July 1.

Jim Rogers stepped down as chancellor earlier in the day.

Klaich previously served as executive vice chancellor of the system.

"I would like to thank you all for the opportunity to have the greatest job in the state of Nevada," Klaich said. "Following Jim Rogers is going to be a real trick. He's cut a wide swath, so I've got a lot of room to go back and forth."

"It's very clear he is the right person at right time in the right circumstances," Regent James Dean Leavitt said.


The Regents voted to approve a salary above the normal maximum for the University of Nevada School of Medicine to hire Sanford Barsky, M.D., as professor and chairman of the Department of Pathology. The cancer specialist will be paid $375,000, which was described as on the low side of national salaries for this type of job. The salary amount above the normal will be paid by the Nevada Cancer Institute, where he will also work.

He is expected to generate substantial income in the form of clinical work and in the form of grants. The medical school expects at least 25 percent of his salary to be paid for out of income from his clinical work.

His primary mission will be to develop the research side of the school.


The Regents approved a salary supplement for College of Southern Nevada President Mike Richards.

The $50,000 per year supplement is funded by the CSN Foundation and will not affect state funds for the college. His total salary will be $268,000.

"It's a tremendous responsibility and he's respected on campus and has brought stability," said regent Ray Rawson. "He should be complemented."

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