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Criss Angel in wax: Magician to get Madame Tussauds statue

Criss Angel wax figure

Madame Tussauds

Criss Angel, 41, has been immortalized by the team at Madame Tussauds, who have recreated the 40-year-old illusionist’s likeness in wax. The statue will be unveiled during a private event at the Museum’s Las Vegas location on Thursday May 21.

Updated Friday, May 15, 2009 | 3:41 p.m.

Sun coverage

Beyond the Sun

Criss Angel is about to become immortal.

No, the “Mindfreak” magician hasn’t discovered the secret for eternal youth. Instead, his likeness is about to be forever preserved in wax.

Angel’s waxen image will be unveiled at 1 p.m. on May 21 during a special and private event at Madame Tussauds at the Venetian.

The 41-year-old magician will be there to reveal his wax double.

Organizers have invited a group of children from the Make-A-Wish Foundation to attend the exclusive affair. Angel's management, meanwhile, has arranged for the youngsters to attend the magician's Cirque du Soleil show at the Luxor, "Believe," later that night.

Like the statue of iconic rapper Snoop Dogg, which was unveiled last month, Angel’s wax figure required months of work and about $300,000 to create.

Hundreds of pictures were used to ensure the lifelike replica was, in fact, lifelike.

Criss was an absolute delight to work with during the process," the wax museum's attractions manager, Rosita Chapman, said.

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