Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Two men rob Cannery sports book at gunpoint


North Las Vegas Police are looking for two men who robbed the Cannery Hotel and Casino's sports book at gunpoint about 2 p.m. Friday.

The men entered the Cannery at 2121 E. Craig Road and lingered in the sports book for a minute. They then both jumped the counter, forcing employees to the ground, police said.

The two men began transferring an undisclosed amount of money into bags and then ran out of the casino, police said.

They got into a light gray or beige early 90s Oldsmobile sedan with a dent on the driver's side and missing molding on the driver's door, police said.

Witnesses provided police with a partial Nevada license plate — 675V.

Nobody was injured during the robbery, police said.

Anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (702) 385-5555. Cash rewards of up to $2,000 are offered for information that leads to the arrest and indictment of persons responsible for felony offenses.

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