Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Boulder City:

Man accused of death threat against city manager

Updated Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009 | 6:58 p.m.

Vicki Mayes

Vicki Mayes

Boulder City

A man who allegedly left a voice-mail message threatening Boulder City Manager Vicki Mayes has been arrested and jailed, according to the Boulder City Police Department.

Mayes discovered the message left at 7:14 p.m. Nov. 7 by a man who identified himself as Gregory Eugene Thomas.

The caller said he was going to rape and murder the manager and then kill her husband, police said. He also said that he was going to come to the City Council meeting on Nov. 10 and if anyone tried to stop him, he would kill them, too, police said.

He was arrested the day before the meeting, on Nov. 9.

Police said that Thomas, 46, told them that he threatened the city manager after becoming frustrated because he could not find an affordable place to live in Boulder City.

Police allege he made statements saying he felt that city government should provide assistance to those who want to live in Boulder City. Before his arrest in Boulder City, he lived in an apartment in Las Vegas, police said.

Police arrested Thomas as he was walking along Nevada Highway, near a coffee shop, police said. Police said he was identified from a picture obtained from his Web site.

He was charged with making threats and harassment as well as two counts of possessing drug paraphernalia, police said. He was booked into the Henderson City Jail on $25,000 cash bail or $250,000 bond, police said.

Thomas’ laptop computer has been turned over to the Metro Police Cyber Crimes Unit for examination, Boulder City police said.

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