Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

40 Under 40 - 2010

Mark Cenicola

President and CEO,

Mark Cenicola

Mark Cenicola

Age: 30

Current job: President and CEO,

Education: Snow College (Central Utah), Associate’s degree in computer information systems

About Mark Cenicola: Long before the proliferation of laptops, Mark Cenicola was plucking away at his uncle’s Commodore 64 and Amiga computers, building a background in technology that would prove to shape his professional aspirations. In 1999, Cenicola was working as a network engineer for the City of North Las Vegas, but had always aspired to own his own business, so he teamed up with a couple of grade school friends and launched, which has evolved to provide a wide array of services, including affordable website solutions, e-mail marketing software, eCommerce systems, custom online database solutions, and website hosting and maintenance. In 2007, the company moved into a self-owned and operated secure data center facility, which Cenicola built out at a cost of $1.2 million, with no outside equity financing. is a founding sponsor of Team Survivor Las Vegas – a nonprofit that fosters and promotes exercise opportunities for women with cancer – and Cenicola currently serves on the board of the Turnaround Management Association of Nevada, an international, nonprofit association committed to corporate renewal and turnaround management. “TMA is dedicated to helping companies that need help turning around or growing their business right,” said Cenicola, who has been instrumental in making the Nevada chapter among the fastest-growing in the organization.

The most important issue facing the valley: Employment. It really comes down to having an educated workforce. We have plenty of people who are looking but not a lot who are fully qualified for the positions available.

My mentor and why: I have a group of mentors, the board of TMA of Nevada. There are a number of people in that organization I can turn to for help.

Favorite Web site:

Hobbies: Work is a hobby for me. I’m living out the best possible hobby I could have – one that pays the bills..

Fantasy job: Major League baseball player

One-word description of self: Clever

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