Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Wranglers left-winger Shay Stephenson off team

Shay Stephenson

Stephen Sylvanie / Special to the Sun

Wranglers left-winger Shay Stephenson, shown here last month in a game against Victoria, has left the team, head coach Ryan Mougenel said.

Las Vegas Wranglers left-winger Shay Stephenson has left the team, head coach Ryan Mougenel said Tuesday night.

“We had different philosophies,” Mougenel said. “Sometimes it just works that way.”

Stephenson did not immediately return calls seeking comment.

Stephenson recorded 19 points in 36 games for the Wranglers this season.

“It was just a matter of deciding to part ways,” Mougenel said. “I wish him all the best.”

The 26-year-old from Outlook, Saskatchewan, played two games with the Los Angeles Kings during the 2006-07 season.

He was drafted by the Carolina Hurricanes in the 7th round of the 2003 NHL Entry Draft.

Stephenson’s departure marks the second player lost in two weeks for Las Vegas. Robbie Bina left the team Jan. 12 to play with a team in Norway.

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