Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Wynn Las Vegas dealers OK their first labor contract

UPDATED STORY: Wynn Resorts ‘very happy’ with union agreement

More than three years after voting for union representation, Wynn Las Vegas dealers last week voted 258 to 65 to approve the resort’s first-ever labor contract for table games dealers. About 60 percent of Wynn's 500-plus full-time dealers cast votes, union representatives said.

"We are so proud of our members for passing this historic vote with such a strong margin and extremely high voter participation," said Kanie Kastroll, president of Transport Workers Union Local 721, which has represented Wynn dealers since 2007. "They have demonstrated that they truly understand the value of union protection, brotherhood and a labor contract."

The 54-page contract provides “status quo” protection for dealers, including some protection against at-will terminations, said Kastroll, a dealer at Wynn.

The 10-year contract maintains the resort’s controversial tip-sharing policy, which fueled the unionization effort by Wynn Las Vegas dealers after the resort implemented the policy in 2006.

The policy reduced dealers' tips by splitting a percentage of tips collected by dealers at the gambling tables with dealers' immediate supervisors. Nevada's Labor Commissioner declared the policy legal in July and dealers are appealing the ruling in Clark County District Court.

The contract is identical to the “last, best and final” contract the company presented to dealers nearly a year ago, which was due to expire Nov. 17.

Some dealers have expressed disappointment that the union was unable to reverse the tip policy.

Kastroll said the contract protects dealers from potential decreases in their share of the tip pool and prevents other types of casino workers from sharing in table game tips. The contract doesn't interfere with the dealers' ongoing legal challenge against the tip policy, she said.

A minority of Wynn dealers have filed with the National Labor Relations Board to remove the Transport Workers Union as their bargaining representative. That effort is on hold as the NLRB investigates claims that the resort terminated Wynn dealers in violation of labor laws.

Wynn Las Vegas representatives had no comment on the contract vote, which has yet to be formally signed by union and company representatives.

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