Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Coldest weather in nearly 2 years on tap for Las Vegas

Freezing temperatures will accompany the Thanksgiving holiday as a cold and dry air mass spreads across the region, ushering in the coldest temperatures in Las Vegas in almost two years.

The Las Vegas Valley will be under a freeze warning as temperatures are expected to dip below 32 degrees Thursday and Friday mornings before a warm-up Friday afternoon and Saturday. The freeze warning is in effect from midnight tonight to 10 a.m. Friday.

Forecasters predict the temperature will reach the freezing mark by midnight both days, then continue to drop through the early morning hours to between 25 and 30 degrees. On Mount Charleston, Thursday morning's low will drop to about 8 degrees.

The last time the temperature slid into the 20s in Las Vegas was Jan. 6, 2009, when the low was 29 degrees.

The lows won't be record-breaking. The coldest temperature recorded on Nov. 25 in Las Vegas was 18 degrees, set in 1938. The record low for Nov. 26 is 24 degrees, set in 1944.

Forecasters said cold temperatures could cause damage to unprotected plants and water pipes, including pool equipment. Pipes should be wrapped or drained, sprinkler systems shut off and sensitive plants covered.

Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 45 degrees and winds gusting to 20 mph, the Weather Service said. Thanksgiving Day will be about the same: sunny with a high near 44.

The average high temperature in Las Vegas for Nov. 25, recorded at McCarran International Airport, is 62 degrees with an average low of 41, according to Weather Service records.

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