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Youth soccer event coming to Desert Breeze soccer complex

Updated Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010 | 2:53 p.m.

Map of Desert Breeze Community Center and Park

Desert Breeze Community Center and Park

8275 Spring Mountain Road, Las Vegas

Editor's note: This event has been canceled due to a scheduling conflict and is now to be held in February 2011. A new date and time has not yet been set. (12/8/2010)

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Nevada is hosting Get Fit 3v3 Soccer Challenge on Dec. 11 and 12 at the Desert Breeze soccer complex.

Children ages 7 to 14 are invited to partake in the soccer challenge, which organizers hope will encourage youth to become more physically active. Participants will be broken into 160 teams by age group and gender with each team having between three and six players. Each team will play at least three games, which last 24 minutes each, at the Desert Breeze Soccer Complex’s South Fields, 8275 Spring Mountain Road.

The Get Fit 3v3 Soccer Challenge was developed from a partnership between Anthem and the Las Vegas Neusport Football Club, a nonprofit youth soccer organization that is home to more than 50 boys and girls teams of all ages.

For more information and to register, visit

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