Las Vegas Sun

June 18, 2024

A grandfather of house: DJ/producer David Morales

David Morales

DJ/producer David Morales

Day-long DJ sets. 35 years. One Grammy and multiple nominations. You couldn't have a dance-music history book without at least a chapter on David Morales. The Brooklyn native DJ/producer is a must-know for the club scene, so study up on everything from his hits "In de Ghetto," "Needin' U," "Feels Good," and new single "I Make You Gaga," plus his work with Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and more. Morales headlines Perfecto at Rain on September 18, doors at 11 p.m.

I've been playing since the '70s. I've gone through decades of music pre-house when it was just funk, RnB, disco.

I used to go to the record store when I had no money and steal records. I used to go to the electronic stores and just look at turntables and mixers — even though I had no money — and say, "One day, one day, one day." Like, when it comes to that Secret DVD/book that they tell you to make your visionary board? When it came to DJing, it has come true and then some.

It's nice to be part of history, per se. To watch the development of house music and everything from trance to techno to electro to whatever is, all based on the beginning of house music as we all know it. ... We feel like between me and Frankie [Knuckles] we are like grandfathers of house, for lack of a better word.

My longest set was 27 hours. Straight through, non-stop. But that was in a club I used to own, Stereo, in Montreal. It had an incredible sound system and floor, so you never got tired... the console was at the right height. A proper DJ booth is supposed to be where all you have to do is show up and do your thing. ... Time just goes by. Of course you have a snack — I used to send an assistant out to Mc Donald's or something like that — but for the most part when the party's on, you're lost in all that.

The Details

David Morales
Rain Nightclub
September 18, 11 p.m., $30+, local ladies free
Beyond the Weekly
David Morales

The technology has been a blessing and, at the same time, a death sentence. Now everybody thinks they can DJ because the technology mixes for them to make things easy. ... When I get to do some parties when I get to play vinyl, oh man, it feels so special.

Evolution is always great. But I think what really saddens me the most — what really gets to me the most — is the DJs, the new guys, don't know the history, which is really sad.

I'm an artist on Ultra Records, so I have a new album coming out that I'm presently working on. I only do artist albums.

Nothing beats a great party, energy and watching people get off on your music. The moment that I lose interest or get bored, then it's time to take a walk. But I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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