Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Rankings and Lists: Las Vegas rated on plenty of bizarre lists


Steve Marcus

Las Vegas, seen here as a target of lightning, has also been the target of many best-of and worst-of lists.

Maybe it’s the nickname “Sin City” or because Las Vegas is a city known for indulgent behavior. Whatever the case may be, it has been a rough year for Southern Nevada when it comes to lists, rankings and not-so-pretty adjectives. Rankings are subjective, but no matter the process or criteria, Las Vegas will usually land at the top of worst lists and at the bottom of best lists. From “America’s Dirtiest Cities” to “Worst Economy in the World,” here’s a look at Las Vegas’ rankings on some bizarre lists:

    • Strip - For File Only
      Photo by Sam Morris

      Worst Dressed Cities in America

      Released last month, Las Vegas ranked No. 13 on GQ magazine’s “Worst-Dressed Cities in America.” GQ mostly blamed tourists and performers, not residents for Las Vegas’ bad taste. Citing middle-aged men in square-toed shoes and “Saturday night shirts” as their reason for ranking the city at No. 13.

    • Most Dangerous Spring Break Destination

      An analysis compiled by Avvo, a website that offers ratings and profiles for doctors and lawyers, ranked Las Vegas No. 3 on a list of the 25 most dangerous U.S. spring break destinations. The company evaluated the cities based on data such as violent crimes, murders, rapes and fatal car crashes. Other cities on the list included Myrtle Beach, S.C.; New Orleans; Panama City, Fla.; and Miami.

    • Thrill Ride: Stripper Mobile
      Photo by Leila Navidi

      Kinkiest Cities in America

      Alternet, an online media outlet, came out with a list of the “10 Kinkiest Cities in America” last week. Las Vegas ranked No. 3 for its plentiful strip clubs, unabashed dungeon parties and the Green Door that claims to be the largest sex and swinger club in the U.S. Finishing first was Roselawn, Ind., home to a thriving nudist resort.

    • Boulder City Pool
      Photo by Mona Shield Payne/Special to the Sun

      The Most and Least Active Cities in America

      Released by Men’s Health this summer, a list ranked 100 of the most and least active cities in America, with No. 1 being the most active and No. 100 the least active. Las Vegas received a D grade and was ranked 77th on the list. Lexington, Ky., was ranked at the No. 100 spot, citing residents’ lack of exercise.

    • lake las vegas homes
      Photo by Mona Shield Payne

      Retirement: Best & Worst

      Contradicting lists released the same week put Henderson as one of the best and worst places in the country to retire. The Fiscal Times, a financial news website, named Lake Las Vegas the nation’s worst place to retire, while Forbes ranked Henderson as one of the best 25 suburbs to retire to in the country. Hmmmm ...

    • Sahara Liquidation Sale
      Photo by Justin M. Bowen

      Fifth Worst Economy in the World

      Las Vegas’ economic performance is fifth worst among 150 metropolitan areas around the world, according to Brookings Institution and London School of Economics. Citing Las Vegas’ foreclosure problem with the second-highest share of bank-owned homes in the country and more than two-thirds of residential mortgage holders owing more than their homes are worth, the city was ranked 146th, ahead of Thessaloniki, Greece (147); Barcelona, Spain (148); Dubai (149); and Dublin (150).

    • Top Valentine’s Day Destination

      Las Vegas was voted the No. 3 sexiest city in the U.S. on Orbitz’s 2011 Valentine’s Day survey. Based on bookings for that weekend, the site named its three most popular destinations for Valentine’s Day getaways. San Francisco took the top spot and Miami came in second.

    • borders
      /Carlos Osorio/AP Photo

      Dumbest City

      Last October, the Daily Beast published its second annual survey of America’s smartest cities. Fifty-five metropolitan areas were surveyed factoring the number of libraries in the area, nonfiction book sales, investment of intellectual environment, educational degrees, political engagement, and residents’ IQ scores.

      Las Vegas came in last place, meaning the dumbest city surveyed. Taking a look at the results from the previous year, we came in second to last, so are we getting dumber?

    • home debt
      Photo by Chris Morris

      Men in Financial Distress

      Men’s Health magazine feature “The Fiscally Fit Man,” ranked Las Vegas No. 1 for men in financial distress. The article used criteria such as personal bankruptcy, debt, late payments, credit usage, percentage of homes facing foreclosure and average 401(k) contributions. Reno made the list as well, ranked as the 10th worst city for men’s finances.

    • Garbage on the Strip
      Photo by R. Marsh Starks/Las Vegas Sun

      America’s Dirtiest Cities

      Travel and Leisure magazine released a list of “America’s Dirtiest Cities,” with criteria such as litter, air pollution, even the taste of local tap water. Nevada was ranked seventh behind New Orleans; Philadelphia; Los Angeles; Memphis, Tenn.; New York; and Baltimore. Interestingly enough, Las Vegas ranked No. 1 for luxury hotels and No. 2 for luxury shopping and big-name restaurants by the same magazine.

    • Trauma
      Photo by Chris Morris

      America’s Top 10 Unhappiest Cities

      Based on depression, suicide, crime, divorce rate, cloudy days and unemployment rate, Business Week magazine released a list of “America’s Top 10 Unhappiest Cities.” Las Vegas was ranked No. 7, while Portland, Ore., took the No. 1 spot, citing 222 cloudy days per year and a high crime rate.

    • New Year's 2008
      Photo by Leila Navidi

      Best New Year’s Destination

      There is light at the end of the tunnel. For several years in a row, travel site ranked the Strip as the No. 1 New Year’s Eve party destination. Other cities on the list included Miami; New Orleans; Orlando, Fla.; Chicago; San Francisco; and Boston.

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