Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Downtown Las Vegas among nation’s 10 ‘great’ urban neighborhoods, report says

First Friday 08/05/2011

Justin M. Bowen

A look at First Friday, a celebration of the arts held in the Las Vegas downtown Arts District on Friday, Aug. 5, 2011.

Score one for former Mayor Oscar Goodman and his showgirls: Downtown Las Vegas is officially "fabulous."

In a USA Today listing of 10 "great" urban neighborhoods to explore across the country, Richard Florida, a senior editor for The Atlantic magazine and a professor at the University of Toronto, said downtown Las Vegas is “a fabulous area with great urban energy.”

It’s quite the compliment for an area that saw a steady decline as the Strip grew and “Fabulous Las Vegas” shifted south.

USA Today points out that downtown “has become home to hipsters, designers and, soon, workers of the online shoe giant, which will be headquartered here in the old City Hall building.”

Florida cites Las Vegas’ downtown as one of 10 urban areas that are making a comeback. The other areas listed were the H Street Corridor NE in Washington, D.C.; Wynwood and the Design District in Miami; Lawrenceville in Pittsburgh; Chelsea, New York; Wicker Park and Bucktown in Chicago; South Lake Union, Seattle; Queen West in Toronto; West 7th, Fort Worth, Texas; and Corktown in Detroit.

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