Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

real estate:

Nevada tops nation in foreclosures for 49th straight month

Nevada bank repossessions increased 16 percent between December and January, helping the state maintain the nation’s highest foreclosure rate for the 49th consecutive month, according to a California research firm.

One in every 93 Nevada homes received a foreclosure filing in January, more than five times the national average, RealtyTrac reported.

Overall, foreclosure filings in Nevada fell 9 percent from December, but were up 3.4 percent from January 2010.

A decrease in default notices — there were 4,535 in January — lowered the rate.

Arizona was ranked second and California third followed by Idaho and Utah.

Nationally, foreclosure filings fell 1 percent between December and January. The filings fell 17 percent from January 2010.

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