Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Survey says Las Vegas third-sexiest city in America


Justin M. Bowen / File photo

A view of the Las Vegas Strip.

We’ve got scantily clad women dancing on blackjack tables, topless shows and nightclubs full of short, sequined dresses, but Las Vegas isn’t sexy enough — at least not according to one travel website.

Las Vegas was voted the No. 3 sexiest city in the U.S. on Orbitz’s 2011 Valentine’s Day survey with 15 percent of the vote. San Francisco took the top spot with 18 percent, and Miami came in second with 17 percent.

New York followed Las Vegas at No. 4 with 13 percent. Los Angeles — a city filled with models and celebrities — tied with Chicago at No. 5 with 2 percent.

Thirty-three percent said none of the cities listed were America’s sexiest. (Note: Pahrump was not an option.)

Looks like Las Vegas needs to step up its game. Or hike up its skirt.

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