Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Magazine: Las Vegas No. 8 on ‘rudest cities’ list, but tops for a wild weekend

New Year's Eve

Justin M. Bowen / Las Vegas Sun

Tourists get their photos taken on New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, 2010.

Visitors to Las Vegas have a sign to welcome them to the “fabulous” city, but apparently they aren’t feeling much love from the locals.

Las Vegas took the No. 8 spot on a list of “rudest cities” in Travel + Leisure magazine’s annual America’s Favorite Cities survey.

The city’s east coast tourism rival, Orlando, did only slightly better, coming in at No. 9.

As the magazine put it: “Two cities whose main industry is tourism — and, presumably, hospitality — landed in the Top 10 of Rude.”

But the publication also offered an argument for the two cities, particularly Orlando: “In their defense, one has to wonder: did visitors get flack from actual locals, or just other visitors who were throwing sharp elbows to get a picture with Minnie?”

If that excuse doesn’t work, maybe native Las Vegans can blame transplants from California: Los Angeles was the rudest city on the list.

Also ahead of Las Vegas were New York, Philadelphia, Miami, Washington, D.C., Boston and Baltimore.

If it’s any consolation, Las Vegas did take the survey’s No. 1 spot for a wild weekend. Plus, it took first place in luxury hotels and second place for high-end shopping.

But, as the magazine said, “Nobody ever equated being fabulous with being nice.”

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