Las Vegas Sun

June 1, 2024

Report: Salaries of Nevada judges higher than national average

A survey released Thursday by the National Center for State Courts found that Nevada judges are paid more on average than most of their colleagues in other states.

Based on salaries as of Jan. 1, the seven-member Nevada Supreme Court paid an average of $170,000 per justice annually, ranking 10th among the nation's highest state courts. That's nearly $19,000 above the national average.

Nevada judges in general jurisdiction trial courts, such as Clark County District Court, ranked eighth nationally with average salaries of $160,000 each. That's nearly $24,000 above the national average for those courts.

The national center, based in Williamsburg, Va., reported that judges nationwide generally received salary increases that averaged slightly more than 3 percent a year prior to the Great Recession. In 2010, though, average salary increases were less than 1 percent.

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