Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Another Rep. Weiner sexting partner emerges, reluctantly

Rep. Weiner

AP Photo/Richard Drew

U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., is pursued by the media as he leaves a news conference in New York, Monday, June 6, 2011.

Click to enlarge photo

An excerpt of a conversation between Nobles and Weiner, sent by Nobles' roommate from Nobles' Facebook account to the private Facebook account of a Las Vegas Sun reporter.

Traci Nobles

Traci Nobles' full Facebook profile picture that appears as a thumbnail in her direct exchange with Weiner that was forwarded to the Sun. Launch slideshow »

Rep. Anthony Weiner announcement

U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., reacts during a news conference in New York,  Monday, June 6, 2011. Launch slideshow »

WASHINGTON - The identity of another of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s social media sexting partners is emerging, but this time, by accident.

Lisa Weiss, Ginger Lee, and Megan Broussard were all too eager to provide the details, whether through photos or Facebook-strains of their online affairs with Weiner; and Gennette Cordova, the 21-year-old from Washington who received the tweet that touched off this whole scandal had no choice.

But if it were up to Traci Nobles of Athens, Ga., her contact with Weiner would have stayed a secret.

“I really regret that this was sent to you,” Nobles told the Las Vegas Sun, after confirming that an unnamed roommate went into her Facebook account, which had been inadvertently left open, and emailed the Sun a screen shot of a private conversation between Weiner and Nobles that appears to date from August. “She thought someone should know,” Nobles said.

Given the extent of the congressman’s flirtatious speech and physical details that have been made public, there’s little from the brief excerpt of the Nobles-Weiner conversation that could shock us. The bit of the conversation that was made available to the Sun shows the two exchanging terms of endearment such as “sexy” and “sugar” and arranging some sort of meeting for the next day — although it’s not clear from what’s presented whether it’s a meeting that was to take place online or in person.

Calls placed to Weiner's various offices were unsuccessful: Each was met with a busy signal, or answered by a voice mailbox that was full. An email sent to a Weiner spokesman asking for confirmation of the congressman's involvement with Nobles was not immediately returned.

Nobles, who will be 35 this month, works in physical education and health fitness promotion for elementary and middle schools and is a self-proclaimed liberal on Facebook.

Despite her reticence to reveal her private contact with Weiner, she’s not been shy about sharing her affection for the congressman publicly in the past.

She’s posted suggestive messages on his public campaign site several times, requesting right after the midterm elections to sit in Weiner’s lap, with an accompanying phallic joke, and encouraging him on more than one occasion to conduct his official business — especially if it would be broadcast on television — in the buff.

Nobles wouldn’t share any more of the exchange she had with Weiner after several requests. She and Weiner are Facebook friends.

Nobles is the fifth woman revealed to have been carrying on online contact with Weiner, who said in a news conference Monday that he had maintained such relationships with six women over the past three years, adding that he had never met any of them in the flesh.

The House Ethics Committee is expected to subpoena testimony and records from the women involved as they move forward with an examination of whether to charge Weiner with official wrongdoing. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi requested the investigation Monday afternoon, shortly after Weiner concluded his news conference; few Democrats since have defended him, and several Republicans, and some Democrats, have been calling for his resignation.

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