Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Reality show ‘Undercover Boss’ will feature MGM Grand executive

MGM Grand President and Chief Operating Officer Scott Sibella is going undercover as a frontline employee at his property for a CBS reality show.

Sibella will appear on the network’s “Undercover Boss” television show Sunday disguised as a dealer and guests services representative at MGM Grand.

A preview of the episode shows Sibella being scolded by another dealer for putting his hands in his pockets and casino patrons guiding the MGM Grand president as he deals cards.

“This was one of the most important and rewarding things I’ve done in my career,” Sibella said. “I learned so much about our employees, and the experience will make me a better leader for our team.”

“Undercover Boss” follows a different executive each week as they try out lower-level jobs at their companies. The show has previously followed executives from 7-11, Subway and NASCAR.

The episode featuring Sibella will air at 9 p.m. Sunday.

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