Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Former NBA player Antoine Walker to get probation on bad check charges

Antoine Walker

Steve Marcus

Former NBA player Antoine Walker makes an initial appearance in District Court at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas on Wednesday, June 30, 2010.

The sentencing for professional basketball player Antoine Walker, who pleaded guilty in June to felony bad check charges, has been delayed a week.

As part of a plea agreement, Walker will receive probation and be ordered to pay restitution to three casinos he has an estimated $750,000 in gambling debts with.

Walker lives in Chicago and has had trouble connecting with the state’s division of parole and probation for an interview required before he can be sentenced, his attorney Jonathan Powell told Judge Valerie Vega on Tuesday morning.

“He had to do his probation interview over the phone...and all of that took a while, unfortunately,” Powell said.

Walker, who was not present Tuesday, is scheduled to appear before the judge at 9 a.m. on Nov. 10.

The criminal complaint against Walker was filed in the summer of 2009, when he failed to pay back gambling debts at Caesars Palace, Planet Hollywood and the Red Rock Resort.

He pleaded not guilty to six felony counts related to drawing checks without sufficient funds with attempt to defraud in June 2010.

Walker played for the Minnesota Timberwolves in 2008, his last year in the NBA. He won a championship in 2006 with the Miami Heat and was a three-time all-star for the Boston Celtics.

After he left the Timberwolves, he played in two pre-season games with the Memphis Grizzlies, then was waived by the Grizzlies. He played briefly in Puerto Rico in 2010 before deciding to attempt an NBA comeback.

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