Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Los Angeles man grateful to Luxor employee who turned in his backpack — and Rolex

Orlando Perez was packing up his car after a night in Las Vegas and didn't notice that he had left his backpack sitting in the parking lot of the Luxor.

In it: his $13,000 Rolex. The 32-year-old Los Angeles man returned to the casino to have breakfast and take a final few shots at the craps table when he realized he'd lost much more than his chips at the table.

"I thought it was gone, but one of the employees said I should check with security," Perez said. "They had it."

A Luxor employee had found the backpack and turned it in — with the Rolex still in it.

"That's honesty," said Perez, a hospital appointment clerk for Kaiser Permanente. "It may have been a guy. It may have been a girl. I waited around and wanted to thank them. But I never got to whoever it was.”

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