Las Vegas Sun

June 2, 2024

Highs in low 90s for Las Vegas

Temperatures to be slightly above normal this week

Lots of sunshine and temperatures soaring about 10 degrees above normal are on the way today for the Las Vegas Valley.

Today’s high will climb to around 92 degrees, with mostly sunny skies over the valley, according to the National Weather Service.

Generally quiet weather can be expected through the upcoming week, the weather service said.

Temperatures will be slightly above normal this week, with breezy southwest winds in the afternoons, forecasters said.

A storm system could bring unsettled weather and cooler temperatures this weekend, they said.

This morning’s low at McCarran was expected to be 64 degrees. The normal low for today's date is 61 degrees. The record low was 38 degrees, set in 1967 and 1942.

Temperatures at McCarran were to rise today to 72 degrees by 9 a.m., to 83 degrees by noon and reach a high of 92 degrees by 5 p.m., forecasters said. The normal high for today's date is 83 degrees and the record high was 99 degrees, set in 1981 and 1943.

Temperatures are expected to drop to 90 degrees by 6 p.m., to 84 degrees by 9 p.m. and to 78 degrees by midnight, forecasters said.

Tuesday's morning low will be 69 degrees and Tuesday's high will climb to 88 degrees, they said.

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