Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

North Las Vegas Police seek suspect in abuse of foster child

Marvie Hill

Marvie Hill

A North Las Vegas man is wanted for allegedly committing several instances of open and gross lewdness and child abuse to his 15-year-old foster son in 2008, North Las Vegas Police officials said.

Officials said the foster son reported the alleged acts to the North Las Vegas Detective Bureau on Aug. 21. The detectives received an arrest warrant for Marvie Hill, 37, on Aug. 28.

Hill is a 6-foot-1, 215-pound black man with black hair and brown eyes, officials said. Hill was a licensed foster parent with the Nevada Department of Family Services, but his license has since been revoked, officials said.

Officials said he often spends time around Craig Road and Commerce Street.

Officials said Hill is wanted for 20 counts of open and gross lewdness and one count of child abuse.

Officials urge anyone with information regarding the case to call the North Las Vegas Police Department at (702) 633-9111 or to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at (702) 385-5555.

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