Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

46 residents displaced, 22 apartments destroyed by fire

apartment fire2

Yasmina Chavez

Firefighters battle an apartment fire on Karen Avenue near Maryland Parkway and Sahara Avenue, July 5, 2012.

Updated Friday, July 6, 2012 | 8:39 a.m.

Apartment Fire

Smoke is seen from a nearby apartment fire on Karen Avenue near Maryland Parkway and Sahara Avenue, July 5, 2012. Launch slideshow »

Apartment fire

A Thursday evening fire destroyed 22 apartment units and displaced 46 residents, Clark County Fire Department officials said.

Firefighters received a call reporting the fire at 6:46 p.m. and arrived four minutes later at the Sonoma Shadows apartment complex, 1550 Karen Ave., near Maryland Parkway and Sahara Avenue, Deputy Fire Chief Girard Page said.

By then, flames had fully engulfed two apartment buildings, and it took firefighters nearly two hours extinguished the fire, Page said.

Page said four people suffered injuries, including a fire battalion chief. The three civilians suffered burns, officials said. None of the injuries were considered to be life-threatening, Page said. The four were taken to University Medical Center and Sunrise Hospital.

Clark County spokesman Dan Kulin said preliminary investigations indicated fireworks may have played a role in starting the fire. He estimated the damage to be about $1.5 million.

The American Red Cross was assisting the displaced residents.

Page said 30 firefighting and emergency vehicles reported to fire scene.

He said firefighters were investigating the fire’s cause and and where it originated.

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