Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Damon Political Report

Crossroads launches new ad in Nevada attacking Obama

Crossroads GPS, a political nonprofit co-founded by Karl Rove, has launched a month-long ad buy in Nevada slamming President Obama for what they call broken promises.

The $25 million buy in 10 swing states includes $624,000 spent in Las Vegas and is an indication of the marathon ad blitz that will dominate the presidential campaign through November.

The Obama campaign launched its own ad buy last week, timed to the president’s visit in Reno.

The Crossroads ad highlights the foreclosure crisis—a dominant issue in Nevada which consistently leads the nation in the number of foreclosures.

“Promise broken: one in five mortgages are still underwater,” the ad says before launching into a list of topics on which Republicans accuse Obama of falling short, including taxes, health care and the deficit.

A new poll shows Nevadans are less than pleased with Obama’s handling of the foreclosure crisis. According to the survey conducted by Public Policy Polling for the Campaign for a Fair Settlement, 54 percent of Nevada voters disapprove of Obama’s work on foreclosures. Another 69 percent believe he hasn’t done enough to hold Wall Street accountable for the problem.

The Crossroads ad is an indication of the growing influence of outside groups working to influence the election in Nevada—considered one of the top swing states by both presidential campaigns.

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