Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

RTC mini-bus overturns onto side in accident

Mini-bus in accident

Two people were sent to the hospital Monday afternoon after a Regional Transportation Commission bus collided into a vehicle, Metro Police said.

A RTC mini-transit bus collided into a grey vehicle near the intersection of Stewart Avenue and Fogg Street – near Keller Middle School –about 2:30 p.m., according to Metro spokesman Bill Cassell.

The bus ended up on its side, Cassell added.

The driver and a passenger of the RTC bus were transported to University Medical Center with minor injuries, said Clark County spokeswoman Stacey Welling. The two were able to “self-extricate” themselves from the bus, she said.

No further details were immediately available. The accident is still under investigation, and the public is urged to avoid that area, Cassell said.

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