Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024


Rain falling across Las Vegas Valley

The Las Vegas Valley was getting a few splashes of rain Wednesday afternoon, but the heavier rains won’t hit the valley until Thursday, a meteorologist said.

“There a little band of showers going across the valley,” said Chris Stachelski, meteorologist for the National Weather Service. “Everybody should get some light rain out of it.”

Stachelski said the band of rain was in the south part of the valley and was moving north. The rain was expected to dampen roadways, making for slick driving for afternoon rush-hour traffic.

“It should be out of here by about 5 o’clock or 5:30,” he said.

Rainfall totals were expected to under a tenth of an inch, although some areas could see more, he said.

Heavier rains aren’t expected to come through the valley until Thursday, he said. Widespread showers, with isolated thunderstorms, are expected most of the day, from about 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, he said.

Light snow could accumulate Thursday night or Friday in the surrounding mountains, including Mount Charleston.

Showers are expected to decrease Friday and Friday night. Dry conditions and a warming trend are expected into next week, Stachelski said.

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