Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Vice President Joe Biden to stump in Reno and Las Vegas next week

Biden veterans event

Mona Shield Payne/Special to the Sun

Vice President Joe Biden greets attendees after his speech at the Disabled American Veterans National Convention at Bally’s Hotel Convention Center Saturday, August 4, 2012, in Las Vegas.

Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Nevada for an overnight trip next week to rally supporters in Reno and Las Vegas, a campaign spokesperson confirmed.

Biden will headline a campaign event in Reno on Monday before traveling to Las Vegas for a rally on Tuesday. No further details were immediately available.

He then heads to Colorado for campaign events in Boulder and Greeley.

Biden has been spending much of his time campaigning in Ohio, which has become the center stage battleground state in the presidential race recently.

On Thursday in Danville, Ky., Biden will face off against Republican running mate Paul Ryan in the sole vice presidential debate of the campaign.

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