Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Michelle Obama returning to Las Vegas next week

Michelle Obama Las Vegas Fundraiser

Jessica Ebelhar / Pool/AP Photo

First lady Michelle Obama speaks during a stop in Las Vegas on Tuesday, May 1, 2012. The first lady’s visit to Las Vegas was part of a four-state campaign push across the West. Nevada is among several key battleground states in the West that could determine whether President Barack Obama wins a second term in the White House. The first lady also visited Colorado and Arizona on Monday and was scheduled to stop in New Mexico after leaving Nevada.

Michelle Obama will return to Las Vegas next week to drum up votes for President Barack Obama, the campaign confirmed Thursday afternoon.

The campaign did not share any details about the trip, save that the first lady would be in Las Vegas next Friday.

It will be the second time this month that Michelle Obama will address Nevada voters. Earlier in October, she made a visit to Reno, speaking to supporters at a rally held on the eve of the first presidential debate.

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